Massive Changes in HVAC Industry. Homeowners Need to Know What’s Coming

There is massive disruption coming to the HVAC industry on January 1, 2023 and as a homeowner, we think you need to know about it.

The Environmental Protection Agency just won a major battle with the HVAC industry and as a result, new standards are coming into effect January 1. Beginning on that day, HVAC companies will be legally prohibited from selling or installing “old” equipment that doesn’t meet these new standards.

We expect that there is going to be a huge shortage of this new equipment because manufacturers have barely even started to produce it.

Keep reading to learn more!

Denny & Dee Castillo
Owners (and Huntersville Residents) 

Unfortunately, here’s what that’s going to mean for homeowners:

  • If you need a new unit, or even service on your existing unit, after January 1, you should expect prices to be dramatically higher – possibly 40% or more.
  • Even worse, if your unit goes out after January 1, there’s a possibility that there simply will be no available replacements at all, for any price. This means homeowners could be stuck without heat for months, in the middle of winter.

Obviously, this is a nightmare scenario.

We hope it doesn’t play out this way, but as of now, we think that it’s very likely. If you have an aging HVAC unit, our recommendation is that you replace it now, before these changes come into effect. This will save you money and will ensure that you’re not stuck without heat in January and February.

We don’t make this recommendation lightly. For years, we have helped customers prolong the life of their aging units for as long as possible. But given the changes we expect in early 2023, we no longer feel that this is the wisest course of action.

Please feel free to reach out to us directly with any questions.

Denny & Dee Castillo
Quality Air Indoor Specialists
(704) 997-5778  


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